They’re a popular at-home alternative to salon treatments.

To prepare for your wand treatment, wash your face and apply a serum with epidermal growth factors (like StackedSkincare EGF Activating Serum or Nurse Jamie EGF Platinum 3 Restorative Facial Elixir). Thoroughly rinse off the product before using it.

Increased Blood Flow

One of the most pronounced effects that can occur when using a frequency wand is an increased blood flow. This increased flow can help to bring oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells.

As a result, your skin will appear healthier and start to repair itself from within. This will also help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Similarly, the increased circulation produced by a frequency wand can help to reduce dark eye circles and puffiness. This pulsating effect also aids in lymphatic drainage and disperses excess fluids more evenly.

The best part about a frequency wand is that it’s completely non-invasive, and won’t interfere with your daily routine. This means that you can use it multiple times a week for optimal results.

Reduced Acne

The safe, gentle oscillating and


power of high-frequency electrical currents promotes blood circulation, increases collagen and elastin production, encourages lymphatic drainage, and improves skincare product absorption.

It’s also believed to reduce the appearance of dark spots left by acne. But if you’re prone to hyperpigmentation, or if your acne scars are more of an issue than the breakouts themselves, Benjamin says to avoid this treatment at home (it’s only recommended for occasional blemishes).

You’ll need to cleanse skin before using a frequency wand. To get started, wash your face, and then lay a piece of gauze or cotton over the area to be treated. Move the wand over the blemish in circular motions for one to three minutes.Then, wipe high frequency wand for hair it down with soap and water. You can repeat this process as needed.

Reduced Wrinkles

The electrical current that is created by high-frequency wands can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They can also stimulate collagen production and promote a healthy skin tone and texture.

The wand also increases circulation to the area, allowing for better skin cell renewal and a more radiant complexion. It is also known to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce dark circles and puffiness.

It is important to note that the power of the device and how long it’s being used can affect the results you get. For this reason, it’s best to consult with a licensed cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist before using the DermaWand.

It’s also important to note that the DermaWand doesn’t provide the same amount of energy as an in-office radio frequency skin tightening machine. However, it does still produce enough power to help you achieve the results that you’re looking for. In the end, this makes it a great option for anyone who is looking to smooth out their skin without having to undergo a costly surgical procedure.

Reduced Scars

If you have a few stubborn acne scars, your dermatologist may recommend using a frequency wand to help reduce them. These handheld devices emit electrical currents through a tiny wand, which heat the sebaceous glands and destroy bacteria causing breakouts.

The device also oxygenates the skin, improves circulation, and calms inflammation. But you’ll need to use it consistently for best results, says Gabriela Soza, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Sadick Dermatology in New York City.

Another type of light therapy that can be helpful for reducing acne scars is red light. It penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate collagen production and boost cellular energy.

Red and near-infrared (NIR) light photons interact with chromophores in the mitochondria, which convert raw materials into cellular fuel. This boosts adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body’s main energy source