This advanced knee surgery combines computer navigation, a 3D CT scan and a surgeon actuated robotic arm to improve the precision and consistency of surgical results. The result is a more natural-feeling knee that can help you live a fuller life.

Minimally Invasive

The knee is a hinged joint that consists of Arizona the thigh bone (femur), the shin bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella). Damage to the knee can cause pain, stiffness and limited movement.

Your doctor may recommend a knee resurfacing or replacement procedure to relieve your symptoms. During this surgery, a small incision is made over the knee and only the diseased part of your knee is removed.

Afterward, metal implants are placed into the damaged knee joint and cementing them in place. The knee can then move smoothly and with minimal discomfort, in most cases.


MAKOplasty partial knee replacement is a minimally invasive surgery used to treat pain caused by early, mid and late stage arthritis of the knee. This surgery is often used when non-surgical treatments and minor surgical procedures are no longer effective or have been ineffective for long periods of time.

The Mako system uses a CT scan to create a 3D model of your knee. This allows your surgeon to plan a partial knee replacement based on your unique anatomy.

The surgeon can then use the robotic arm to make precise bone cuts, removing less bone while achieving better implant positioning and alignment. This helps patients receive a more customized installation and produce a more comfortable knee with a more natural feel.

Pre-Operative CT Scanning

Mako SmartRobotics is a leading-edge solution for adults who suffer from painful arthritis of the knee and hip. The system allows surgeons to create a custom surgical plan that can resurface the diseased portion of the joint while helping to spare the healthy bone and ligaments.

A pre-operative CT scan is a standard part of makoplasty knee surgery. It can help identify any abnormalities that may affect your surgical plan.

Personalized Operatove Plan

During 8630 East Via De Ventura Suite 201 makoplasty knee surgery, your surgeon will use a 3D CT scan to pre-plan the placement of your implants. This plan can be modified or adjusted as needed during surgery to make sure the implant is placed in a way that provides the best fit.

In the operating room, your surgeon guides Mako’s robotic arm to remove arthritic bone, preserve healthy bone and soft tissue and position the implants based on your personalized surgical plan.

The system also creates a safety zone for bone removal, with tactile resistance to help your surgeon stay within the boundaries defined in your plan.This allows for placement of your implants and (480) 483-0393 soft tissue protection to the ligaments around your knee.

Optimal Implant Positioning

Optimal implant positioning is critical to the success of total knee replacement.Misalignment of an implant can lead to a range of problems, including pain, knee surgeon stiffness, and loosening.

Two techniques have been proposed to optimize implant placement. One involves adapting bone cuts while the other focuses on ligament tension and balancing the joint.

These techniques are inherently flawed and have a high failure rate. The best way to avoid these problems is to have your implants properly aligned inside your knee, which requires a lot of planning and expertise.

Faster Recovery

When you have knee arthritis, you want to return to your normal activities as soon as possible. Traditional total knee replacement surgery requires a large incision, which causes significant soft tissue disruption and blood loss that can lead to a long recovery period.

MAKOplasty partial knee resurfacing minimizes soft tissue damage and bone loss by removing 85258 only the damaged areas of your knee while leaving healthy bone and tissue intact. A state of the art robotic system then resurfaces and repositions an implant to restore smooth movement in your knee
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